Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pigeon St.

So you're driving down a street, music playing, having a nice ride and minding your own business...when all of a sudden you see a pigeon (or group of pigeons) standing in the middle of the street just up ahead. Half a block away...the pigeons are still there. A quarter of a block away...yep, still there. You're getting closer and just a second or two you'll be right on them. At this point, what do you do? Do you slow down and give them time to fly off? Honk the horn to scare them away maybe? Or do you just keep going at your normal speed, telling yourself "They'll fly away just in the nick of time...they always do"?

Personally, I HAVE TO stop. Maybe it's the animal lover in me, or maybe it's that I don't like the thought of a living creature being squished and splattered all over the street because of me. I seriously believe that had I not stopped all those times, I would've run over a few pigeons by now. I'm not a fast driver, I don't like to speed, so I usually approach them at a decent speed. Still, they just stand there, pecking at the floor, not budging until the very last second. Crazy little feathered bastards! As I get closer and closer and see that they haven't moved...I literally get a nasty feeling in my stomach. You know...that feeling you get just before you hurl, after seeing something you find disgusting? Yep...I get that exact physical feeling in my stomach. It forces me to slow down. Anyone else ever get that? Or are most people just able to keep on driving, no regrets, and let the birds decide if they want to fly out in time?

Side note: this all reminds me of that Seinfeld episode, too. When some girl George was seeing was upset that he hit some pigeons with his car. George explains the incident by saying that he believes they have a deal. That pigeons are suppossed to move out of the way and in return we'll forgive them for pooing all over our statues. lol

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