Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Some of them Days

You know what's the only thing worse than when you're having a bad day..."one of them days"? How about when you're having more than one bad day? "Some of them days."

Last Friday, I'm out having a nice time at the club, then get to my car and take off a couple of flyers that were on it. And oh, what do I find? Yep, a little white envelope from the city of L.A., which a nice little $50 parking ticket! WTF!? Apparently it looks like it was a permit parking section??? I've parked on that same street many times...never had a problem. But then again, this time my usual side of the street was full, so I parked on the opposite side. I didn't really think to read the signs there, I just checked that it wasn't red or green or any other color on the curb. So perhaps it was my bad. I'll have to read it next time I'm there. So yeah, a ticket sucks. But I paid it and just going to forget about it now. Can't dwell now can we? At least I didn't get towed.

Then on Saturday I'm out having a nice lunch/dinner with J, when my cell phone screen starts to act up. At first it was flickering to a white screen, and then just completely died on me. The screen died...the rest of the phone was still working. I just couldn't read my texts or see who calls. I could only receive calls and make calls if I knew the number (or speed dial number). Long story short, I ended up borrowing one of J's old cells for now. I already sent my cell off to Samsung to get it fixed. Fortunately, it was still under warranty and I don't have to pay anything. Again, could've been worse but it wasn't.

And then there was today. After a long, dull day at work, I decide to drive straight to the gym. I get there, find parking quick (which is always a plus in the busy evening gym hours), and then head to the locker room. I change into my workout clothes, put everything inside the locker and then put my lock in place. And JUST as I had pressed on the lock to "lock" it, I immediately noticed that it felt different. I tried to reopen it, but it was stuck. The combination dial kept getting stuck. Upon closer observation, I noticed that it looked like it may have been tampered with. Part of the bottom looked a bit bent and the top a bit scratched. The only thing I could think of was that maybe it had been messed with at another gym? Someone trying to get into it but failing? Who knows. I just don't remember ever dropping it hard or banging it. In the end I had to ask one of the personal trainers to cut the lock for me. He then verified it was my stuff with my gym ID that was inside. At that point I didn't even feel like staying, so instead I just went to Target and bought a new lock (two actually...they came in a pair lol).

So yeah, hopefully that's the worse of the week. I want no more drama! lol These things are mild in comparison to some of the crazy stuff that goes on in this world...so I guess we just gotta see it as the glass being half full, sorta.

Edit: Ok, seriously! Did I suddenly become "random bad luck clumsy guy"!? Just a few minutes ago I knocked over a glass of water in my room! It broke into pieces of course, spilling water on my carpet. I soaked up as much as I could and picked out as many glass pieces as I could find. It's too late in the night now to be making too much noise, but tomorrow when I get home I'm gonna pass the vacuum to try and pick up any last pieces of glass. Grrrrr!

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