Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Us humans, we are interesting creatures. I can't help but wonder why we do some of the things we do. And I'm not even talking about the crazy, horrible, unbelievable, insane and tragic things you hear about. I'm talking about the simpler things, such as the mini-mobs that flock to "free" promotions at restaurants.

Taco Bell had some "get a free Taco" promotion going on yesterday. It was connected to the baseball World Series I believe. Basically, they were offering one free taco per person as long as you're in line before 6pm. So of course, a bunch of people rush to Taco Bells and, not surprisingly, it even makes the ten o'clock news! 'Cause nothing is more newsworthy than people in line for free tacos, right? lol But what I really don't get is why people would want to deal with the crowds and waiting in line and all the commotion just for a simple free taco that normally probably will only set you back about a dollar! I get that part of it is probably just the excitement of it being connected to the big game and whatnot....but come on! I'd much rather drive over to another taco place, get a taco that tastes just as good, if not better, and fork over a dollar.

But hey, that's just me. Still, offer up a free pizza slice and I'll knock you and your momma out of the line to get to it! ;)

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