Sunday, May 24, 2009

Busy Bee

Oh, hello there blog. Miss me lately? :)

Been busy at work actually WORKING. Who knew that some jobs really do require you to work all day and not be online? I never would've guessed! LOL But I think I've fallen into place already and gotten used to my new work routines. One good thing about being busy all the time is my work day goes by quickly for the most part. But since I can't be online much I don't get to do my daily social online updates like I used to. Awwww....I know you all miss it. Right?!?!?! :)

But I'll pop in here and there, on the blog and other sites, whenever I can. This weekend is the Memorial Day weekend so it's a 3 day weekend. Woohoo! Been enjoying it by relaxing. We went out Friday to our usual, Circus, and after that just been chilling at my house. We watched two DVDs Juan picked yesterday (Notorious and Bride Wars), hit the gym and also had a nice dinner at our favorite Farmer Boys. Today we've just been relaxing, might head to the movies later (Terminator Salvation, perhaps). So I've definitely been enjoying the kickback weekend.

I'm finally at a nice, peaceful point again. Work is going well, three weeks into it. I've gotten the hang of most things now while still learning a few stuff along the way. The slightly longer commute on the drive home kinda sucks at times, but oh well. I'm just so grateful I was able to find a good job so quickly in these tough times. Maybe I'll allow myself to splurge just a little soon. I have been thinking about getting a TiVo. :) We'll see.

1 comment:

Christian Aaron said...

Glad to hear your happily enjoying the new job and had a great long weekend! Back to work today, blah.... no quiero hacer nada. lol.

Miss you on the chat! :(