Monday, June 1, 2009

Love You!

A few weeks back, when I was looking for a new job, I received a call from this one place that I had applied for (not the one I ended up working at now, btw). I wasn't able to pick up, so they left a message. When I was able to call them back, they didn't answer, and so I left a message for them this time. "...I'm returning your call...blah blah blah...interested in the job...blah blah blah..." And as a closer, I was just about to say "Love you!", but fortunately I caught it right in the nick of time and stopped myself from saying it.

Why would I say that!? Well, I'm not really a huge phone guy. Don't really like to talk on the phone much, I'd rather just meet up with people when given the chance. But the person I do talk to daily is my bf. And I usually end my calls or voicemails to him with a heartfelt "Love you!" I guess I was used to ending voicemails to him this way that it almost slipped out when I was leaving the voicemail for that job recruiter. Imagine if I hadn't caught myself in time and DID end up saying that in the voicemail!? I don't know what I would've done if I couldn't erase it. I think I'd be too embarrassed to have called them back. lol What would you have done? :)

1 comment:

Christian Aaron said...

LOL, I think I have done that, but luckily it was just with a friend! However, when I was younger, I think in the 6th grade, I called my teacher "Mom" by accident. lol