Monday, March 30, 2009

The Secret Ingredient Is...

When is a sandwich not JUST a sandwich? When it's made with the secret ingredient, of course. What is it? Haven't you heard? The secret ingredient is...LOVE. :)

A couple summers ago, we went to the beach one day with a few of our friends, and Juan & I were in charge of taking some sandwiches and a few drinks in a cooler. We prepared the sandwiches beforehand, placing each in an individual sandwich bag. As we were eating them on the beach, they told us the sandwiches were good. Of course, we hadn't really done anything extra special to them, just the typical ingredients (meat, cheese, tomatoes, etc.). But Juan, in response to the compliments on our sandwiches, then said, "The secret ingredient is love." :) So that got a good little laugh. hehe

Ever since then, there've been several instances when a situation comes up that reminds me of that phrase. And right now, as I type this, I'm actually having a sandwich for lunch. It was one that Juan prepared for me this morning. I spent the night at his place, to give him a ride this morning, and so he was nice enough to prepare me a lunch so I don't have to buy one (since I'm trying to save). He even included some chips and a yogurt for desert. :) I know it's just your typical type of sandwich that I'm eating, but it actually does taste better to me. Why? Because of the secret ingredient of course...

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