Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fat, be gone!

I hate you! You annoying dirty little son of a bitch! Why won't you go away? Why must you always cling to me, being a constant pesky presence and reminder of my failures as a human beign? Why can't you finally just go away, shrivel up somewhere and die like the worthless piece of crap you are? Why, why, why? Just leave already! Damn you! Yes, I'm talking to you...Fat!

So yeah...I'm sick and tired of feeling "fat". And I have to admit, I use the term "fat" loosely. If you look at me, you probably wouldn't think of me as fat. I'm kinda tall and have thin arms and so I do look like I'm thin all over. But I do have a tummy troubles, though...just like many of us here in America. Usually the clothes can hide it pretty well. But once it's just me, alone and naked...that's when the secret's out. lol Plus, there are times when I stop caring much and just eat whatever crap I want...then it starts to show in my face. People start to comment on how I look "bigger" and I start to notice it in my own pictures. That's usually when I'm reminded I need to do something. Like I've just started to again this week.

I've already been eating a bit better for a while. I no longer go out to fast food places every day for lunch like I used to. I bring my own food from home, usually something light and healthy. And I can usually finish it pretty quickly at lunch, which would then leave me time to just play on the net and browse around. But no more of that! I'm going to try to go out for a 30 minute walk outside the office, after I finish my actual eating during lunch. And when I get home, I want to go back to doing some exercises. I don't really want to go jogging at night around where I live, lately just doesn't feel as safe anymore with what I've seen in the news. So I'm just doing it all at home for now. Maybe once I see some results and feel more "active" I'll try a gym, too. Another thing I'm working on is watching what I eat when I do go eat out. Instead of the stacked up greasy burgers and fries, I'll try to eat lighter dishes, grilled chickens, salads, etc. I also need to cut down on all my sugary drinks. I love smoothies and lemonades when I go out to eat...but as Juan pointed out water is way healthier and cheaper (i.e. free lol).

In the end, I have nobody to blame but myself if I don't like how my body looks. I don't necessarily want a big buff toned body, although hell...that WOULD be nice! But honestly, I just want a flat tummy and thinner face....just to look better, healthier. I see guys in magazines, in movies, in ads, jogging out in public...all over...with the nice healthy in-shape bodies that I've always wanted to have. It just kills me when I go home and it's still just me...Mr. Out-Of-Shape and always lazy and tired. lol

Will this be the one time I finally stick to my new lifestyle choices and get in better shape? Only time will tell. Maybe I need to do something dramatic. Like take pictures of myself in my underwear and then say that if I don't reach certain goals within a time frame, they'll be released to the public. lol I saw that somewhere....was it Oprah maybe? I don't know...but seemed like a good idea that would work on me. The threath of having those gross pictures released if I don't keep in shape. lol

Oh well, here we three of my latest goals. I should weigh myself soon so I have a starting point to look back on and compare later.

1 comment:

Adolfo Rodriguez said...

it takes time, alot of hardwork and patience. But that's nothing for you. You can reach your goal!
