Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dreaming Of You

I've had many dreams throughout my life. Some are just normal everyday dreams...hanging out with friends, going to an amusement park, reliving some high school settings, etc. Others are a bit more out there...vampires, giant city-attacking monsters, being able to fly, etc. Most of them include people I know or at least knew at one point. Often, if they include someone I know, I like to share the dream with that particular person. In part because it's fun to share the dream, but also because I often wonder what if we actually had the same dream and in some twighlight zone kind of twist were actually walking within each others dream states. lol Yeah...a bit of a far stretch, but hey you never know.

But despite what crazy or wacky dreams I may have had, a few of the more interesting experiences have involved those dreams where I feel like I wasn't fully asleep. There are times when I feel like I am only half asleep. My eyes are closed and my body is mostly at rest, but some senses, such as hearing, are still quite responsive to what's going on around me in the physical world. I remember one time, for example, my radio had turned on at 5:30 as it always does (my alarm then goes off around 6, to tell me it's time to get up), and they were interviewing David Boreanaz. I think I must've dozed off for a few minutes again because before I knew it, there I was sitting in the radio station studio, watching David Boreanaz talking into the microphones while the DJ's interviewed him. I was able to walk around the room and touch things, just like in a dream, while at the same time I was hearing the interview go on exactly as it was happening in real life on the radio. I just thought that was pretty cool.

This past Saturday night, I had a dream that tops any I've ever had. Actually, I don't know if I'd call it a dream. I'm not sure what it was. All I know is that I was asleep, in bed, in complete darkness...when all of a sudden I feel a hand on me. I had fallen asleep on my side and I felt a hand being placed on my neck/shoulder area. I reached out with my own hand and placed it above the person's hand. Right away I knew who it was. But what I didn't know was how he'd gotten inside my house. He'd been there earlier that night, but then left to go out with his friends, while I chose to stay home. My whole family was out of town, so it was just me there at home. Nobody else could've let him in. I tried asking him how he got in, but I couldn't talk. My voice felt like it was gone, or at least jumbled...very small sounds came out, but they weren't words. And I tried turning over to face him, but I couldn't even move. I knew it was him though, because over the past six years I've come to recognize the feel of that hand without having to see who it is. I never felt scared at that moment, it was more of a confused feeling. It didn't even feel like any dream. It felt so real. As real as it would feel if I was to touch my own hands at this instant. No dreamlike state or feelings, all pure real physical feelings. That's why I was confused, I wasn't sure what was going on. Why couldn't I move? How did he get in? What happened to my voice? And then, in an instant, as if somebody had flipped the switch, I "woke up" from this state. I don't even remember my eyes actually opening, though. It's as if I already had them open and was staring out toward the wall, and then in an instant I felt the strange feelings go away and I snapped out of it, but I was still in the exact same position staring out at that wall. I was now able to turn around but of course nobody was there.

I went back to sleep right away. I was never scared, eventhough I was all alone in the house. I still don't really get exactly what happened. At the moment I could've sworn it was all real. It felt so real, like no dreamlike feelings I've ever had. lol

Anything like this ever happen to any of you?

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