Monday, May 5, 2008

Cindo De Mayo Monday

Ah, Monday. You, the most hated day of the work week! We meet again! It's inevitable. I knew you were coming. No matter how hard I may try to fight, no matter how long the weekend may be, you always manage to find your way back into my life. Reminding me of that thing I have to do for 40 hours a week. That responsibility that brings in what little money I can get. The job! On the bright side, no more sniffles! As of Friday I think I got through the little random cold or allergies or whatever I had last week that was bugging the hell out of me. But now my nasal passages are feeling way better, much clearer...thank you for asking! hehe

So yeah, it's back to work again, after a nice little three day weekend. Friday I didn't work, was out on a sick day. But fortunately I was feeling better so I was able to have a little fun. So we headed out to eat at Islands, where I enjoyed a nice Teriyaki chicken burger and he had an avocado one. Oh Mr. Teriyaki, where have you been all my life!? Why did I always deny you entry into my mouth! Wait...that came out wrong. Nonetheless, I'd never tried teriyaki until a few months back, and now I love it.

After lunch, we went to watch Iron Man. It was a great movie! I was a bit worried at first that it might be like Ghost Rider. I did go see Ghost Rider, even though I knew it looked bad and it WAS bad, but I still went. What can I say? I love movies, love special FX, love Marvel...couldn't help myself. hehe But fortunately, Iron Man was different. It was a fun, action-packed movie. And it actually took time to tell a story and not just throw in 90% special effects all the time. So go check it only $100 million on opening weekend, it needs all the help it can get. LOL Later that night we headed over to our friend's bday dinner in downtown L.A. (Weiland Brewery Underground) and hung out there for a few hours, then called it a night.

Saturday and Sunday were more "chill" days. We had a nice lunch at Marie Callendar's on Saturday and relaxed at my house, then he went out and I stayed in, even though I couldn't sleep much because I had taken a nap in the day. lol Sunday we just ran some errands and relaxed some more. Overall, it was a nice weekend. So come this morning it was tough to have to get up and head to work. But here I am!

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