Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Martes 13

I haven't written much in the past couple days. Not much out of the ordinary and worth writing down has really happened. lol Hmmm....let's see....what have I done recently. Work, Eat, Sleep. Repeat and rinse 5X a week. lol Weekends mostly just been chilling, a couple bday parties and club nights, and watching movies. I saw Iron Man and Speed Racer so far, two of the big Summer season movies. Iron Man was great. I loved it! I like that they didn't focus too much on just the special effects, they took some time to build the story, and it came out nicely! Speed Racer, I must say I also liked it. Yes, it got pretty bad reviews and didn't even make #1 on opening weekend, falling way short of what was expected. But I don't care! I had fun with that movie. Yes, there were a few parts that did feel a bit childish, but then there were other parts that were just crazy-fun to watch! It's based on an anime cartoon from back in the day, so it borrows a lot of those cartoony elements. Was it a GREAT movie that I say you MUST see? Nope. But I still liked it, and that's what matters! LOL

So yeah, things are going cool. Calm and normal, nothing crazy. This coming weekend is Long Beach Pride. Not sure yet if I'll get to go this year. Also, the new Narnia opens this weekend, so I definitely want to check that out! I love the Summer movie season! :)

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