Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Duty Free Week 1

Phew! ::wipes forehead:: That was close! I'm free from jury duty! Well, at least for this week. I'm "on call" for two weeks. But luckily I only have to call on Monday night, and if they don't need me that week, then I'm free until the next Monday. Last night, a few minutes after seven, I dialed that 800 number. But no luck...it was just a busy dial tone. I kept trying and trying, but nothing. Finally around 8:30 or so I got through, and never did a robotic lady's voice make me smile as much as when she said the magic words, "You do NOT have to report..." The only bad part is that I still have to call in next Monday, so it's back to crossing my fingers and hoping I don't get called in again. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't care as much about going if my job paid for jury duty days. But they don't, so I'd either have to take any days I'm out without pay, or use up some of my vacation/personal days. But that would suck, to have to use my vacations days for jury duty! So hopefully they don't need me next week. Cross your fingers!!!

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