Friday, February 15, 2008

Guess Who's Back!?

I'm back! Another day, another blog!

I haven't kept a real blog in a while. Sure, I've posted many things on the MySpace, but many people don't even read those that often. I also don't like how their blogs are hard to navigate. They don't have an easy way to track older posts. Plus I usually only post there when I feel like I really have something to say. When it's worth the effort. But here...this is where I want to just post whatever random things come to my mind.

Like just this morning, for instance. I was driving to work and came across a street that was closed off, so all the cars had to turn left or right. I was in the center lane so I decided to merge to the right, for a right turn. Then this idiot behind me starts honking at me, I look at him and see him waving his hands like a lunatic in that "move it, hurry up" fashion! There were roadblock cones in front of me, and a big ass truck to my side...I was waiting patiently (and safely) to get through. But noooo...he just had to get through. So the bastard speeds up, goes around me to my left, and just barely squeezes between me and the cones to cut in front of me. I seriously felt like purposely ramming his car! (But in that brief "crazy fantasy world" way.) Seriously...what the hell was up with him that he couldn't wait for me to merge safely? Sheesh!

So yeah, now that I got that off my chest....look for more to come! :)

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