Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Phone, New Book

I had a nice little package waiting for me when I got home today. The new cell phone I ordered earlier this week arrived! That was pretty damn quick! Plus, the micro-SD memory card that I ordered separately for it also arrived today. My current cell phone is always running low on battery and is all scratched out on the outside. So it was time for a new one. Plus, I upgraded my plan to include more minutes because they were having a promotion where I could get 400 more minutes and still pay the same price. I was already renewing my contract two more years, so might as well change the plan too. :) To be honest, I don't even use the phone actually talk to many people. I tend to use it a lot more to text, chat or snap pictures. But hey, when I do need to call's always with me. :) The new phone I got doesn't have all the fancy bells and whistles that most phones have, but it has what I wanted. So we'll see how it works out for me.

Earlier today I was talk to my friend (via emails at work) about reading, and how I don't do it much anymore. Well, not unless you count online articles and sites. But I used to read so much more back in High School and through college. Mostly fantasy, action, scifi and horror type of books. Michael Crichton, Stephen King...and yes, some Buffy novels too. lol I can't even remember when the last time I picked up a book from start to finish was! A few days ago I got a couple of books for free at work, one of them was "The Psychology of Joss Whedon: An Unauthorized Exploration of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly". Now if that isn't screaming my name, then I don't know what is! I've put it on my desk now, to remind me to pick it up, and hopefully I'll get to actually reading it. Maybe a chapter a day. We'll see how that goes. I figure if I'm going to be serious about trying to read more again, the only way I'll stick to it is with a topic that really interests me.

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