Oh, Facebook! Me, being a person that doesn't like to be left out of what's "hot" in the virtual world...here, for you reading (dis)pleasure, I present my 25RTAM. In no particular order...
1 - When eating out, I usually prefer to stick to my own plate and don't always offer up a taste of my food to others...not even my bf. And no, I'm not greedy! It's just a (bad?) habit.
2 - In junior high, I tripped over someone that fell in front of me while jogging during P.E. I scrapped my elbows and it left a bad mark on one of them that to this day I hate.
3 - I rarely sleep naked. I saw this video long ago on America's Funniest Home Videos, where a woman is filming her baby and then an earthquake strikes and the dad comes running out of a room scared & naked. I live in an earthquake prone city! 'Nuff said. :)
4 - I can be a picky eater. I especially don't like most sea food and asian food, or just about any food with a weird smell, look or texture...which can make me a tough person to have dinner with.
5 - The extent of my drug experience is limited to just a couple of bites from a bud brownie.
6 - I've been in love with the same person for more than seven years, yet still get random innocent office crushes.
7 - From my 28th birthday (Nov 2007) through today, I've lost a total of 30lbs. Started with a change in eating habits and then joined the gym last summer.
8 - Every Thursday night I sleep over at my bf's house. It's become a sort of work week tradition.
9 - I used to hate eating brocoli with the passion of a thousand burning suns! Now, I don't mind it. My favorite is from the side salads at Chick-Fil-A.
10 - I don't hold grudges or stay mad for long. I don't think I even have any enemies.
11 - I stand on the "for" side on the "having kids" debate. So much so that I often have dreams where I have a child, usually a beautiful little girl.
12 - I'm not one that follows politics, sports and word news that closely. When they come up in conversation, I just smile and nod politely.
13 - I would love to have a bromance. A straight male friend to just hang out with. Don't get me wrong though...still got nothing but love for all my gay amigos! lol
14 - When I was younger I always lost touch with friends, which is probably one reason why I cherish my friends a lot now and do my best to always keep in touch.
15 - I'm bad at song lyrics, but I can sing along to many classic Disney songs...and damn proud of it! lol
16 - I have no fashion sense and dread having to shop for clothes, which explains a lot if you were to see how I dress for work.
17 - Kinda...randomly...been playing with the thought of whether I'd be willing to get a tattoo some day. What of? Not sure.
18 - I tend to have a bad memory. Can't always remember names, faces, occurences or things that were said in general. Don't take it personally!
19 - The scent from a freshly cut lemon is, thus far, the only food item that can literally make my mouth water.
20 - I have a "thing" for accents. I love them! Especially European accents (British, Spanish, Irish, etc.).
21 - I have been to a nude beach before...and yes, as a participant.
22 - Buffy The Vampire Slayer is my all time favorite show. AS IF you all didn't already know that one.
23 - I sometimes wish I could shorten my arms a bit. Shopping for long sleeve shirts sucks!
24 - What I often can't bring myself to say to people verbally, I'll end up writing in novel-like length.
25 - Making other people smile, laugh, feel good or just be happy brings me more joy than you know. I want all my friends, family and my loved one to be happy.