Monday, February 23, 2009

Dollhouse: The Target

I finally got around to watching the second episode of Dollhouse, "The Target." I felt that the pilot left me a bit...what's the word...unsatisfied, perhaps? I had expectations of the type of show I'd expect from anything that has Whedon's name attached to it. Granted, I didn't think the pilot sucked. Not by a long shot. It was just that by comparison to Buffy, Angel, Firefly and Doctor Horrible...I was expecting more of the same type of elements, specifically the witty dialogue and humor blended into the drama and action. Here, with Dollhouse, we were given a somewhat more serious tone. So I needed to get used to that.

Now, having watched the second episode, Dollhouse is growing on me a lot more. I really enjoyed this episode and loved the mysteries that are starting to be presented regarding Echo's past(s), the "dollhouse" itself and the various people after them, including the mysterious Alpha. Once I let go of my preconceived notions of what a Whedon project should look and feel like, I was able to enjoy this show more. I just hope others continue to do so as well. I'd love to see where they can take this show beyond the initial episode orders. So who's gonna keep watching with me!?!? Do it! :)

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