Friday, February 13, 2009

DOLLHOUSE: First Reactions

I just finished watching the series premiere of Joss Whedon's return to television, "Dollhouse", staring Eliza "Faith the Vampire Slayer" Dushku. What did I think of it? Well, if you know me, do you really have to ask? Whedon could create a show staring a stick figure against a white background and I'd still watch it! hehe That's how much faith (no pun intended) I have in the man's work.

Dollhouse, in a nutshell, is about this organization (or company? not sure yet exactly) that has these people..."actives"...that they can wipe their memories clean one moment and then give them a whole new character, personality, set of skills, knowledge and even physical/emotional programming. Dushku plays Echo, one of these actives. These actives...aka dolls...can pretty much be whoever they want to program them to be, depending on what the client who hires them is requesting. This is all hush hush, of course. So there are people out there looking for this place...this dollhouse. And what happens if one of these actives suddenly starts to remember things, after her memory is wiped?

So far, I'm really liking the show. It's too early to tell if I'm going to LOVE it like I did with Buffy, but I have a good feeling about it. I just hope that they treat the show well, both audiences and FOX executives, and they let it stick around for a long while.

I was a bit surprised at one thing I felt was missing from the show, which I've always loved from Whedon's work. And that would be the quirky, comedic, pop-culture type elements. I felt that, from the one episode I saw, the series seems to be a bit more serious and dramatic in tone. The action and suspense is still here, which I love. But I couldn't help but miss the funny one-liners and quirky characters that have stood out among Whedon's other programs. But hey, can't always be exactly the same...right?

I can't wait to see what happens next. And a major plus: limited commercials! Love that!

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