Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Are You Ready?

You know those annoying ads that keep popping up everywhere on TV reminding you that as of February 17th, 2009 all television signals in the US will be completely digital. No more analog (aka rabbit ear antenna) TV signals. If you didn't have digital cable/satellite, digital HDTV or an analog-to-digital converter box...then your tv would stop showing any programming as of 2/17/09. You'd just get white noise and static. They kept hammering that into our minds, running ads, full infomercials, scrolling marquees and who knows what other ways they tried to remind us.

Well, yeah...turns out all that wasn't so much true after all. lol Via MSNBC:

The House voted today 264-158 to delay the analog TV shutdown until June 12.

The nation was two weeks away from the original date of Feb. 17 for the digital transition, allowing broadcasters to replace analog TV signals with digital ones.

But the Obama administration and many Democrats asked for the delay, saying millions of people are not ready for the switch. The bill, already approved by the Senate, now goes to the president for his approval, considered a given. Still be resolved is the funding needed for more coupons to help consumers offset the cost of converter boxes. That issue will likely be considered as part of the economic stimulus legislation.

The Nielsen Co. said recently that while 85 percent of households are ready for the digital transition, nearly 6 percent are not at all, and another 9 percent are “partially ready.”

(Full article at

I, for one, am all ready for this! My bedroom & living room TV are HDTV. The other two TVs in the house that aren't already have the converter box (purchased, of course, with help from the coupons lol). Being a television fanatic, I love watching shows in digital HD. I don't know how I ever did without it! If only some of the shows I loved, such as Buffy, could've been in HD too. :)

So, my question to you...ARE YOU READY!?

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