Monday, December 8, 2008

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Dec 8th

It's Monday morning, December 8th, 2008, approximately 8:30 AM. I've been up just over 2 hours so far and already I have for today...
The Good: I had a nearly empty gas tank this morning and had to go fill up. My total? It came out to about $18.50! Now those are numbers I can live with! It wasn't not that long ago that I was doing nearly $40 at times! Fortunately my car gets pretty good mileage and I don't drive crazy distances so a full tank tends to last. Hopefully the low gas prices stick around for a long while.

The Bad: The damn restroom at my job had the "Closed for Cleaning" sign up again this morning! Last week, they had that sign up all day on Thursday because they were doing some repairs to the sinks. The reason I hate this is because all the other floors that have a restroom use a key! So I'd have to stand around and wait for someone to walk in or out of the other restrooms! Our floor's restroom uses a number code so I never have to use a key. And well, sometimes when you have to HAVE TO GO! Last thing you want to do is stand around in front of a restroom, grabbing at your junk, jumping around like you used to when you were five years old and couldn't hold it anymore! lol So rather than deal with all that I just went all the way downstairs to one of the restaurants and used their back entrance which leads to the restrooms. hehe Hopefully whatever work they are doing today gets done quick.

The Ugly: That bitch on the road this morning! (Pardon my moderate cursing.) I am a very patient person with regards to many things, but when it comes to driving people just really push my buttons! I don't get why so many people seem to be in a big rush to get places! I was turning at an intersection this morning and after I had already turned, about midway down the block, I merged to my right lane. At about the same time, Mrs. Bitch comes racing down the same turning route I had just gone through and then stops just behind me and starts waving her hands in the air in that angry mode that I could see from my rearview mirror. Seriously!? What is your problem? Oh I'm so sorry that I decided to merge into an empty lane, where no cars were behind it, seconds before you decide to come racing around the corner. Slow down bitch! Ok sorry...just had to let that out. I'm ok now.

Have a nice week! :)

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