Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Weekend Sort of Life

Every day should feel like a weekend day, don't you think? Being able to wake up whenever your body tells you it's ready to wake up...not when the damn annoying "beep, BEep, BEEp, BEEEEP!" of the alarm clock goes off. Knowing that the day ahead brings whatever your heart desires. Want to go shopping, take a little road trip, have lunch with friends, catch the latest movie, take a nap at the park...go right ahead! Nothing's stopping you! The day is yours! It ends whenever you want it to end. Feel like staying up late into the morning hours...go right ahead, after don't have to be anywhere the next day! sweet it would be if EVERY single day was like that. I love weekends. Who doesn't, right? Well, unless you're some kind of super workaholic that gets his kicks from working. But that's not me! No sir...I love my free time more than anything! lol Some may call it being lazy, but I call it jus wanting to enjoy life! I don't have to go climb a mountain, dive to the bottom of the oceans, parachute off a plane or jump off Niagara Falls in a barrell (do people even do that? lol)....nope, don't have to do any of that. I'm perfectly happy just living a simple life, having fun in my simple ways, being with my loved one, my family, my friends and everyone I care about. Doesn't matter what we do, as long as I just get to live life with those that mean most to me. There have been many times where I'll be sitting at my desk at work, thinking back to my weekend, and I'll think of the simplest random just sitting in my bed reading a magazine, while J sits over at my computer checking some emails, both of us just having some random conversation. Simple moments like that end up meaning a lot more when I look back on them.

Ahhhh, it'd be nice if every day could feel like a weekend. Just that feeling of freedom, relaxation...stressfree sorta life. But of course those moments don't come free. That magazine I was reading, that laptop he was using...everything costs money. So there we are, day in and day out, we work work that we can pay the bills, put food on the table, and use whatever we may have left for a little bit of fun. It's the only thing that gets me through a work week sometimes. Just looking forward to a nice weekend ahead. :)

Don't mind's almost 9:00 PM on this Sunday night. I just hate to see another weekend slowly come to an end....can't help but start thinking about what could be... lol

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