Friday, December 19, 2008

One Week 'Til VancouBRRRR, Canada

So the countdown is now officially down to one week! By this time next Friday, we'll be well on our way to visit our neighbors up north in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. Am I excited? Yep. Am I prepared? Hell nah! LOL

For whatever reason, I've procrastinated so much in my preparations for this trip. I've made a few purchases for the trip (a guidebook, map, new shoes) but other than that haven't gotten other stuff I may need, such as some thermals, sweaters for layering, new socks to replaced the hole-ridden ones I have now, and maybe even some new pants. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of dinero to begin with so that kinda makes it tough. Plus, it's the holidays and I want to get my family some gifts! I just need my parent's gifts now. I'm trying to economize wherever I can. Last night, I saw season six of "24" on sale for $18. I'd been waiting forever for that one to go on sale to update my collection! But, alas, I was strong and resisted that temptation. :(

So this weekend, which unfortunately I forgot is also known as one of "the busiest holiday shopping weekends", I'll be heading out to try and make some of my final purchases. Watch out closeout stores and clearance racks, here I come!

Aside from random toiletries to replace the cheap crap hotels give, some of the other main purchases I want to get done are for things to keep me warm. Turns out...going up north...gets colder! Who would've thought, right? lol Being a Southern California native, I don't get too many days of extreme cold. Yesterday morning, for example, my car told me it was about 43F outside! (No, it didn't talk to me! I'm not crazy! I just read the temperature dial.) It was cold enough so that there was a thin layer of ice near the top of my windshield. I was freezing out there! And that was probably just the low for the day here in L.A.. Turns out that upon our arrival at Vancouver, 43F would be considered a high for them! Brrrrrrr....As of now, this is what it's looking like on our first weekend there...

1 comment:

Antonio Loveless said...

Vancouver will be so much fun for you guys! I'm excited for you and I've never been there. You might run into a polar bear like on LOST but only not so digitally remastered lol. Is that the temperature they are saying for Vancouver?! That's nothing compared to Chicago weather...wimps! It's going to be like 6 degrees tomorrow here lol. I just wish it would snow more!!