Wednesday, December 17, 2008

HEROES: What Would YOUR Power Be?

So this past Monday night was the last new Heroes for the current volume. The next volume, "Fugitives", will start back up in early 2009. Rather than go into a full on review, I thought I'd do a little episode inspired question instead. 'Cause, I mean, really, you already know I would have just raved about how much I loved the episode and big bad Sylar rocks, anyway! But hey do feel free to leave any comments on the episode if you'd like, or hit me up and we can discuss one-on-one. :) And if you aren't caught up on episodes, you may want to stop reading, I may inadvertently drop some SPOILERS below.

Anyhow, while responding to my friend Franky's comments on the episode, I was talking about the injections that people were giving themselves to obtain the super-human powers. Daphne, on the show, was saying that there may be a connection between people's personalities/needs/hopes and the powers that they end up receiving. Daphne, a paraplegic, wanted to be able to run so she ends up with super speed. Matt, always worried about what people thought about him, ends up being able to read minds. And my little analysis was that Ando, once he injected himself, ended up having the power to boost other people's abilities because he's always been there helping out others, giving them that support they need when things didn't look so great, especially to Hiro. He was always boosting Hiro's confidence. And if you really think about it, I guess you can figure out connections to other's powers too. Peter always seemed like someone willing to help people out, to understand them, to he ends up being able to literally connect into people's powers. Hiro, as the series began, was stuck in a boring office job, probably wishing the day could just go by faster, just as I always do. So then he ends up being able to control time and space.

This brings me to the actual question part of all this. IF YOU WERE TO INJECT YOURSELF WITH THE SUPER-FORMULA, WHAT POWER DO YOU THINK YOU'D GET?

As I thought about it, one of my answers was that I think I'd get the power of the sonic yell (being able to use my voice to send out super destructive sound waves). This power has actually already appeared on the show. My reason behind this being that I tend to be a soft spoken person. In most situations, I'll usually only speak out if I really need to say something. Otherwise I tend to stay mostly quiet and listen more than anything. (This all varies though, depending on how well I know the person then I may actually talk more.) But still, I've often wished I could be more like those people that are comfortable talking out loud, on and on, with anyone and everyone, treating even strangers as if they've known them for years. :) that I really think about it, I think I might also end up with the power of multiplicity. Being able to multiply, make copies of myself. So that one copy of myself can be out working all day, while the other me, the "original" me, can just be out having fun or stay home all day. This, of course, would stem from the fact that I'm just lazy and wish I didn't have to work but could still have fun. lol


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