Friday, January 23, 2009

I Heart Banana

I was walking past the Marie Callender's, on my way to pick up a salad for lunch from Koo Koo Roo, when what did my eyes see but the beauty that was a picture of a banana cream pie! I love banana flavored...well, anything, pretty much! It's probably not one of the most popular flavors, as evidenced by the discontinuation of the banana flavored Quik powder. I still haven't gotten over that. :( I know they still have the bottled version, but no longer can I mix my own at home. lol eyes lit up and my mouth drooled (just a little!) when I saw that the banana cream pie is one of their featured pies of the month! :) Granted, I've never had one from there but it's can it not be good!?

I recently came across a new Cheerios flavor, too. Can you guess which one? Yep...banana nut! And I love it! I don't really know why I love banana flavored things so much, especially smoothies, or when it started. But I love it! It's not a particularly strong flavor. And to the untrained tongue, it may just taste like vanilla. But it isn't! Banana can kick vanilla's white ass any day!

I still remember that ice cream man who tried to deny my passion.
"One banana nut ice cream cone, please"...I asked him.
"You mean vanilla?"
"No, banana nut."
"There's no such thing. You want vanilla."...he had the audacity to tell me.

I still have nightmares of that day. ;)

Edit: Let me add that I do not work for Marie Callender's nor do I have any sort of investment in their company. lol

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