Friday, January 30, 2009

On The Radio

I woke up yesterday morning to a nice surprise. As I went into the restroom for my morning shower, I turned on the radio we have in there to listen to KROQ's Kevin & Bean, which I do every morning. But something caught my attention. They were reading a letter on the air, during their E-Mails segment, and I thought to myself, "Hey...that sounds familiar." Sure enough, it was MY letter! lol Unfortunately, I only caught the tail end of it, the punchline if you will.

Let's go back a bit... Last Friday, as I was heading to work, I heard Ralph (their entertainment guy) talking about some controversy with Britney's song "If You Seek Amy". Apparently, their station's powers-that-be won't even let them say the name of the song on the air, much less play it. And I guess the record label is making Britney re-record some lyrics for the song, changing them to "..if you see Amy" or something like that. Of course, they thought this was all just silly, as did I. If you've been hiding under a pop culture rock and don't know why the song is facing some controversy, just say the name out loud a few times until it hits you. "If You Seek Amy" :)

Anyhow, when I got to work, just to be silly, I shot them a quick email. I'd already forgotten I ever sent it so I was pleasently surprised when I heard it read on the air yesterday morning, giving me my few seconds of fame, though I doubt anyone I know even heard it live or would remember. lol But, you're in luck! 'Cause it's online now, courtesy of the unofficial site,

To listen to the clip, * * * CLICK HERE * * *. Mine is the very last email that's read, so you can skip through a bit or just wait for it. hehe If the direct link doesn't work, just go and find the entries for 1/29/09, file name: 04 Email-2009-01-29.mp3.

Here's my original email as I wrote it to them, though it sounds better when it was read aloud. hehe And yes, I was being completely sarcastic and just trying to be funny. I actually enjoy the song...though truth be told I don't get it. lol

Subject: Seek Amy?
Sent: Fri 1/23/09 8:16 AM

Hey Kevin & Bean,

I heard about the whole controversy, during Ralph's showbiz report, regarding the latest Britney single. I, for one, am glad that disgusting song is being banned from even mentioning it's name on your station! Who does Britney think she is, putting such filth like that out! She thinks she's soooo clever by disguising those insulting words behind some otherwise innocent sounding phrase! To think that she is a role model to some kids and teens out there, and she comes out with a song like that! I am deeply offended and fear for the future of our nation!


P.S. Can you please play "Rape Me" by Nirvana? Love that song!

And yes, they really ARE allowed to play Rape Me, which is why I thought this whole "you can't say the name of Britney's song" demand that their bosses put on them was silly.

1 comment:

Dugaldo said...

You're the wit's end!