Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tippin' Yogurts

I just knocked over my yogurt I'm eating right now. The container tipped over right at the edge of my desk, on the verge of falling over it. And the container's opening was pointing directly over my crotch. Lucky for me, it was almost empty so nothing spilled out. Otherwise, this could've been one messy and embarrasing situation! I lead a very dangerous life, I tell ya. So yeah, just thought you would want to know. ;)

1 comment:

Migs said...

You are soo lucky, on Tuesday as I was leaving work and running to school. I spilled a white volatile candle all over my crotch, of course white wax was all over my pants, I still walked to class, you can only imagine what everyone thought. I did get 3 phone numbers though ;-)