I believe we left his apt at around 9:30 or so, and then we just walked back to our hotel room. We drank some more water and then took a nap for a while, to recover a bit more and prepare for later that night (we were planning to go to the club again). Once we finally got up and showered, we headed out for lunch. Anyone that knows us will tell you that we can both be picky eaters in our own ways, and when we do eat out we don't really go for the super expensive/fancy places. Not that we can't afford it every now and then, but it just isn't really "us." We both would much rather go to a simpler, casual type place (such as a Cheesecake Factory) as opposed to a super fancy place (such as....well...I can't even name one since we never look for them! lol). So at some points in this trip we did think about going somewhere "nice" to eat, but in the end we just stuck to the usual foods we eat back home. lol On this day, it was a Hamburger Mary's that we came across on Davie St. :)
We got there at around 2pm, and I just ordered a Teriyaki Chicken burger with fries and Juan got some other Chicken Burger (forgot which) with a side salad. They were pretty good. At that point I don't think I was 100% back to normal, so I didn't clean my whole plate like I normally would. hehe But at least I got some food energy in me. I'm just glad I never had a hangover or anything, it just more of that "slightly tired" feeling. Definitely owe that thanks to Kevin for getting some H2O in my system before I dozed off that previous night.
After we ate we decided to walk back down Davie St, toward or hotel, and go past it into Yaletown. Yaletown, back in the day, used to be a railway works yard. Now, it's home to several offices, condos, boutiques, clubs, pubs and restaurants. It's a really nice area. We walked all the way down to the edge, and ended up at the Quayside Marina and Cooper's Park, where we checked out the views beyond False Creek to the other side of Vancouver. We were just enjoying the cool night, taking pictures and walking up along the edge. When we got to the Plaza of Nations, we went into a casino that was there because Juan wanted to gamble a bit. You know...just so we can say he gambled in Vancouver. hehe It was only a couple dollars and we were out as quickly as we'd gone in. We then just continued past the BC Place and GM Place stadiums and ended up in Chinatown.
Without meaning to do so, I ended up taking us over to East Hastings St, which I'd been told by a couple of people, including Kevin, that we wouldn't really want to end up in. It's the "bad part" of town in that it's where people on drugs and whatnot hang out. It was only around 5PM when we went through there, but in just a short walk we did see people that seemed to be "on something", as well as a prostitute and a guy who started to pick a fight with a random guy walking by. Needless to say, we didn't stop for any pictures and I just looked at my map to guide us out of there and toward Gastown. From what I read, I know this is a historic part of Vancouver, but we were only there for a bit and went to visit the Steam Clock, which is on Cambie & Water St. We did what any good tourist would do and took pictures with it. lol There were a couple of souvenir shops nearby that we just browsed but didn't buy anything.
Once we left Gastown we just walked back westward toward the Downtown area and took Thurlow down to Davie. Along the way, we passed by the world famous Nelson Park! Ok...it probably isn't famous. I don't even know anything about it to be honest. All I know is that it's on Nelson St. and is called Nelson Park, so with a name like Nelson, it's gotta be good, right? lol So of course I had to take pictures with the sign. I know...I'm a dork. hehe It was already dark and the park was snow covered so I couldn't really tell if it was a nice park to honor my name. :)
Once our long walk was done with, we headed back to the room for a while to relax and clean up a bit for "Latino Night" at Numbers. This happens ever last Monday of the month there. Since we happened to be there on the last Monday of the month, we figured we'd check it out. To our surprise, as soon as we got there, it was already a bit more packed than the first time we'd gone there on our first night in town! Being a Monday night, we didn't think a lot of people would show. Some people were locals, some looked to be travelers like us and others were actually recent arrivals, like this one guy that Juan invited to dance with us at one point. I believe his name was Ivan. Seemed nice enough and whatnot. We just all danced a few songs together, had some small chit-chat (though it's hard to hear on the dance floor) and he then just went on his way. This was the one night we went out that I didn't drink, only because I felt I wasn't ready to drink again yet and didn't want to overdo it before the New Year's festivities even began! lol
At one point, as with many gay clubs, there was a drag show. One diva did a Thalia song, I believe. Then a guy came out, shirtless, wearing some jeans with an iPod video screen as the belt buckle, some chains over his chest and some random lights on his wrists and legs to illuminate his face and body in the darkened stage. We'd actually seen him walking around earlier in the club, and I pointed him out to Juan, to which he just kinda mocked the attire. hehe We didn't know it was part of his performance at that point. hehe I don't know what songs he did, whether they were originals or covers. All I know is that in one song, the lyrics pretty much said "I like to play with my dildo..." among other things. lol So for the rest of the trip, at random moments, Juan would start singing it, "I like to play with toys...". hehe It became a little running joke. :)
To our surprise, there was also a drag performance of two Jenni Rivera songs! If you don't know who she is, no worries...I really didn't either until a while back when Juan's cuz became her designer. She's especially famous around here in Banda music, and is known as la diva de la banda. Anyhow, it was kinda cool seeing someone do her songs all the way there! Juan went all crazy during her performance yelling and cheering at the top of his lungs. Meanwhile, I was recording it with my camera, trying to peek it through the two latina lesbianas that were making out in front of me. Awwww...too cute. :)
So that was pretty much it for that day. We visited a few sections of Vancouver we hadn't been to and then partied it up a bit at night. We then got some rest back at the hotel.
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