Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mental Gems

I'll often find myself going about my day, at work, in the car, out and about, doing whatever may come up...when suddenly, a random thought, story or idea will pop into my mind. A little creative, funny, amusing, witty or just plain randomly strange topic that I want to write about in my blog. As soon as I think of it, I start to "write it" in my mind. I imagine what I want to say, punchlines and all. But then, once I finally get to a computer and have time to write it...all that magic that was happening in my head turns to poo! lol I end up forgetting exactly what I wanted to say, or how I wanted to say it. And often, it just doesn't seem as satisfying anymore as it did in my head. Seriously...we need to invent some sort of machine that'll take mental dictations. I'll hook it up to my noggin and I can mentally command it to jot down what I'm thinking. Wouldn't that be nice? Then you'd all get the best of my mental gems, not just the crappy stuff I manage to spew out. lol

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